Register for IkPas for patients
Step 1
Go to the page of IPass for patients. Halfway through the page you will see a blue bar with the text 'Join as a patient of the Jeroen Bosch Hospital'. Click the 'Join' button to the right of the text.
Step 2
Click the 'Accept invitation' button
Step 3
Click on the 'Register' button on the right. You can also log in with Facebook, but here we show you how to log in with an email address.
Step 4
Enter name, email address and municipality. Accept the terms and conditions and privacy statement and click on the light blue 'Register' button
Step 5
You will now see 'Check your inbox' on screen. Go to the inbox of your mail account.
Step 6
Click on the blue activation link in the email from IkPas to create a password for your account.
Step 7
Create a password. Enter this twice and click on the 'Set password' button.
Step 8
Your account is now activated. Enter your email address and password for your new account and click the 'Login' button.
Step 9
The next step is to create your own challenge. Your own challenge with a start date of your choice to participate in IkPas for Patients.
Click on the light blue 'Create a challenge' button at the bottom right.
Please note: do not choose one of the pre-programmed challenges, as you will then not receive any JBZ newsletters.
Step 10
Choose the title of your own challenge, possibly a description (which is useful if you invite people to participate in your challenge) and the start and end date. The minimum duration of your own challenge is 30 days.
Step 11
Do you want to invite people to join you? Then click on 'Yes'. Participate on your own? Choose "maybe later".
Step 12
On this page you choose whether or not you want to receive the special IkPas for Patients newsletter. Choose 'Daily' if you do want to receive it (2x a week), choose 'Never' if you don't want to receive it and click confirm.
Note: 1x in 10 days and 1x in 20 days do not apply here.
Step 13
You are now registered for your own challenge and will receive the newsletter twice a week from now on (if you have opted for this).
Click on 'Go to my challenges overview'.
Step 14
You can now see your created challenge in your challenges overview under Personal dashboards. Click on the icon of your challenge to go to your dashboard and use all the functions of IkPas!