Drinking alcohol: how do you keep it tidy?

At IkPas we will never say that you should stop drinking alcohol forever. The goal of IkPas is to create awareness about whether or not to drink. Soon, when this break is over, there may come a time when you drink your first glass of alcohol. You can read here what you can do to not roll into your bed completely drunk.
To find out why you drink, it is advisable to ask yourself every time you want to drink something alcoholic: do I really feel like it? And why am I so excited about it? In this way you enjoy your glass of alcohol more consciously. To avoid thinking you're on a merry-go-round at night, take it easy on alcohol. But yeah, that's easier said than done. How do you keep it tidy?
These tricks will save you from a hangover
- You know it, you walk through the supermarket with a growling stomach and before you know it there is pizza, chocolate and a hunk of brie in your cart. Grocery shopping is not a good idea. It is the same with alcohol. If you are thirsty, drink a glass of water, cup of tea or something else thirst-quenching but don't drink alcohol.
- A pleasant evening with partner on the couch and/or visitors. Before you know it, you'll be a few glasses of wine or beer. Tip: Always alternate a glass of alcohol with an alcohol-free drink.
- Think in advance what you would like to do the next day. Working, getting groceries and going to the hardware store is a full schedule that can be a lot more unpleasant to do with a headache. Decide in advance how many glasses you want to drink.
- Set some rules for yourself when you are allowed to drink. Not on sports evenings, only on weekends, when I'm in good company, never when I'm alone, et cetera.
- Stick to one and the same type of alcohol. Alternating mixed drinks with beer and drinks is not a good idea. And think of that water in between!
- Drinking alcohol when you are gloomy, angry or depressed increases the chance of a nasty drink. The alcohol strengthens your feeling and the result is you feel even more rotten.
- Had a busy day? headaches? Arguing with a loved one? Ditch the alcohol and find another way to de-stress. Take a walk, exercise, call a friend, turn on your favorite music, take a hot bath…there are tons of other ways to let off steam.
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