Alcohol and its effect on your condition

Whether you are a fanatical runner, an average enthusiastic athlete or a professional bench seat: everyone has a certain (basic) condition. The question is therefore: what effect does alcohol have on your condition?

Long story short: alcohol and sports, that's not match made in heaven. If you plan to put in a sporting performance (any kind) later in the day or in the evening, it is not recommended to drink alcohol beforehand. Even if it is 'just' one or two standard glasses.

More frequent urination, less condition

Alcohol speeds up your pulse and breathing and drains your body of fluids, causing you to urinate more often. This decreases your condition. As icing on the cake, you also get muscle pain faster, because the lactic acid formed by exercise is broken down less quickly. This is due to the lack of moisture in your body. Another thing to keep in mind: alcohol reduces your pain sensation, which means you will go beyond your limits faster. The result is a greater risk of injury.

That's why you want to leave the alcohol just before or after exercise

1. Drinking alcohol increases the risk of accidents. For yourself and for others. Your eyesight deteriorates, your ability to concentrate decreases, you react a bit more slowly and you become a bit overconfident.

2. Have you just bootcamped? Run your first 15 kilometers? Are you sweating profusely at the gym? Then your body needs time to recover. Alcohol prevents this recovery process.

3. During exercise, lactic acid is formed in the muscles. This lactic acid does not belong there and must be broken down. But the breakdown of lactic acid is hindered when alcohol is involved. The liver gives priority to the task of breaking down the alcohol as quickly as possible. Because the lactic acid remains untouched in the muscles, you can eventually suffer from muscle pain. This causes a decrease in condition and therefore (extra) muscle pain.

4. Most people sweat while exercising. This extra fluid loss is normally not a problem. But the use of alcohol in combination with intensive sports can lead to additional moisture loss. Too much water loss results in a deficiency of all kinds of important minerals.

5. The body needs extra sugar to break down alcohol. This can lead to a deficiency after physical exertion.

6. Do you love the third half? Keep it cozy with a sports drink, a glass of soda or even better: plain water. The stomach is empty after exercise. If you then drink alcohol, it is absorbed into your blood extra quickly and the noticeable effects of alcohol are extra strong.




Alcohol and ibuprofen

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