Alcohol guidelines at home and abroad

In the Netherlands, the alcohol guideline has been in force since 2016 that it is advisable not to drink alcohol. And if you do, keep it to a maximum of one glass of alcohol per day. What about our neighboring countries and other countries?
Canada stond een tijd geleden op z’n kop. Want de Canadese gezondheidsautoriteiten hebben nieuwe richtlijnen uitgevaardigd voor alcoholinname. Het advies is om helemaal niet meer te drinken. Wie niet zonder alcohol kan, kan het volgens de gezondheidsexperts maar het beste bij maximaal twee drankjes per week houden.
And that is quite a difference with the advice issued in 2011: ten glasses of alcohol per week for women and fifteen glasses of alcohol per week for men.
In the Netherlands, the Health Council advised in 2015 to drink a maximum of one glass of alcohol per day. Figures from Statistics Netherlands from 2020 show that 41 percent of adults adhere to this guideline. Source:
These guidelines are used by other countries regarding alcohol consumption
Great Britain: a maximum of 6 glasses of alcohol per week, preferably spread over a minimum of 3 days. America: 2 drinks a day for men, and 1 for women. The same directive applies in Germany. Belgium: maximum 10 alcoholic beverages per week. France: maximum 2 glasses of alcohol per day. Spain: maximum 20 glasses of alcohol per week. |