Alternatives of another level

If you (temporarily) do not drink, sooner or later you will look for an alternative that literally appeals to you. Although water, tea or soda is fine for some, we can imagine that you desire something else. Something surprising. We help you on your way.

We previously wrote a number of articles about non-alcoholic trends, because non-alcoholic alternatives are developing rapidly. You read about sparkling tea, craft soda, kombucha and exciting herbal combinations. And there is much more to discover.

Spicy touch

If you are going to start brewing your new favorite non-alcoholic drink yourself, add a spicy touch. Ginger or a hot pepper provide that beloved kick & bite. How about this carrot ginger fizz drink with turmeric?

Nicely fermented

Fermented drinks, such as kombucha and kefir (a kind of milk drink), are also popular to experiment with if you don't want to drink alcohol. Try this recipe: kombucha with coriander sugar and lime at sometime. Source:


This alternative has been around longer than today, but is being embraced by more and more people. And that is not surprising because this basically fermented tea is low in sugar, very tasty and a real thirst quencher. Kombucha is a source of antioxidants, healthy bacteria, enzymes and vitamins that can support the functioning of your body.

Sweet, salty, bitter, sour

Finding the perfect alternative means pushing your (tasty) boundaries. Acids are also popular when it comes to taste perception. An acidity ensures that you do not have the idea that you are drinking a glorified lemonade. You can think of the calibrated acid ingredients such as lemon and lime, but do not rule out vinegar. We came across this recipe Rhubarbberry. A lemonade based on vinegar, sugar and fruit (aka shrub named).

Experiment them!



Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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