Does a break endanger the friendship?

Such a title. And yet it is something that many pausers or stoppers fear. Because alcohol can be what binds two people or a group together. If someone decides to 'drop out', this can have social consequences. At least you think so. We come with a counterpoint.
You often drink alcohol during social occasions. To celebrate, to drink up your courage or to shine in social situations. Taking a break might make you feel less sparkly or confident. What if your friends suddenly like you a lot less?
Turn it around
Suppose one of your friends indicates that he no longer wants to drink (for a while). Would you turn your back on him or her? Oh no? So they don't do that with you either. And if it does happen that a friendship breaks down due to a healthy intention, then you have to ask yourself whether this is about a friend or a drinking buddy?
Confronting the other
The announcement of an alcohol break usually receives a great deal of acclaim. Because nowadays half of the Netherlands takes a break once or more a year. But what if the responses are less understanding? These usually come from people who find it uncomfortable to hear that you do dare to take on the challenge. It pushes them to face their own unhealthy facts. Such an 'Ah, don't be so boring' response says more about their drinking behavior than about your alcohol break.
Be honest…
Is alcohol really such a friendly binder? If you go over the edge, you can share too much, get offended more easily, feel sad afterwards, lose track of what you're doing, and miss out on other social activities because your hangover is too bad…that's also what alcohol can do. |
Find other ways to socialize
'Having a chat' often includes a glass of alcohol. But of course you don't have to. There are plenty of other activities that don't involve beer or wine. Take a walk, cook together, take part in a quiz or whatever you like to do.
Benefits of sober socializing
* Without alcohol you have real conversations faster. *Your friendships will deepen. *You never have to think the next day, "Did I really say that?" *No hangover! |
PS: There is also no shame in sharing your fear with your friends. Isn't that what you are friends for? Express your fear. There is a good chance that you will be immediately reassured.