Check your knowledge about alcohol

Can you tell if teenagers are drunk? What is residual alcohol? And does coffee make you sober again after drinking? Are you curious about the answers to these and more knowledge questions about alcohol? Do the test! recently launched a new knowledge test about alcohol. This test was developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and is a follow-up to last year's alcohol exam. It asks all kinds of questions that have to do with alcohol. For example, you will find questions about the relationship between alcohol and pregnancy, alcohol and young people and alcohol and cancer. You will find the test here.
Test your drinking behavior
Have you answered all the questions and want to take another test? on find a drink test. Answer (anonymously) three questions and you will know within a minute what your drinking behavior is. Do you score low or high? With a high score you will receive advice on how to decrease.
Good luck!