The Alcohol Quiz: What do you know about alcohol?

Knowledge is power. So it is good to learn more about alcohol. After this quiz you will be able to tell others exactly what percentage of adults drink, what alcohol does to testosterone and what benefits come from an alcohol break.

Question 1. What percentage of the Dutch population over 18 sometimes drinks alcohol?
– 90 %
– 80 %

Question 2. After how many glasses can you still drive?
– About 2
- No

Question 3. Does drinking testosterone go down or up?
– Down in men, up in women
– Down in women, up in men

Question 4. Is it a crime to pass on alcohol to a minor?
– Yes, for both the adult and the minor
– Only for the adult and not for the minor

Question 5. Who drinks more?
– Highly educated
- Lower educated

Question 6. What is meant by 'excessive drinking?'
– More than 21 drinks per week for men and more than 14 for women
– More than 15 drinks per week for men and more than 12 for women

Question 7. Where does the expression beer after wine brings venom, wine after beer brings pleasure from?
– This proverb dates back to the Middle Ages, when wine was more expensive than beer. It means that it is more fun to increase in prosperity than to decrease in prosperity.
– That it is better to drink light alcoholic drinks first, and only then the heavier alcoholic drinks.

Question 8. One of the advantages mentioned by IkPas participants is:
– Being able to say no easily
– A more muscular body

Question 9. Another advantage that IkPas participants mentioned is:
– Sleep better
– Better remember your dreams

Check out the answers to the quiz questions here



Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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