The dry month is coming to an end: what happens after IkPas?

The end of your break period is getting closer and closer. Now you enjoy full support every day, because more than 40,000 others fit in with you. But what do you do after January 30? Toast to the happy ending with champagne or another thirst quencher?
IkPas 2020 is popular in the Netherlands. More than 40,000 people are currently still working on the challenge of going through life alcohol-free for 30 days. “But”, says IkPas campaign manager Martijn Planken, “for everyone who signs up, three or four don't”. So count out your winnings to 'participants'.
Much has been written in recent weeks about the benefits of an alcohol break. For example, the liver, heart, brain and pancreas benefit from an alcohol-free month. You also sleep more deeply, you feel fitter (physically and mentally), you have more money and time left and you get a more beautiful skin, for example. Not to mention the good example you set for your (grand)children, your cholesterol level improves and the pounds you lose. In short: your dry trip will bring you a lot.
Drinking behavior after IkPas
Studies conducted among IkPas participants from previous years and conducted by IkPas researcher and alcohol researcher Rob Bovens, show that you drink 30 to 40 percent fewer glasses of alcohol up to six months after your break period. That makes a big difference!
Continue after a mistake
Denying yourself something that you normally enjoy is hard. And sometimes you can hardly resist the urge. And you may even have been drinking alcohol during one of your most difficult moments. Earlier the article told 'What if you did drink' al, that your break period hasn't flopped. You pick yourself up and you continue taking a break!
An alcohol break does make sense
Whether or not you have smuggled once during your IkPas period; an alcohol break does stimulate the development of your new good habits. Martijn: “If you have had positive experiences this month, for example if you went out sober, then it is easier to do it again afterwards.” Every positive experience gives you strength and more insight into your own drinking behaviour.
On to the 40-day challenge!
If you have gotten hold of the (dry) taste; then join the 40-day campaign. You are challenged not to let the alcohol stand for 30, but 40 days. Who knows what benefits you will experience even more… You can register from 31 January. And especially ask your girlfriend / mother / neighbor / niece / colleague / sports buddy / fishing friend / grandpa or anyone else to join you! Because together is better and good for the spirit!