You want to read these books about alcohol

Did you know that there are a lot of informative and fun books about (stopping) alcohol and/or are you curious about the experiences of others? Then these book tips might be for you.

In 'On your health', Dutch psychiatrist and professor René Kahn describes the effects of alcohol. It is an accessible and enlightening book. Only available as an e-book.

David Nutt is an English doctor and psychiatrist. He is also the author of the currently popular book: 'Drankje?'. David makes in 'Drink?' clear what 'responsible drinking' means and provides you with the scientific facts to make your own decision about your alcohol consumption and whether or not to stop drinking.

Jacqueline van Lieshout tells in 'Ontwijnen' how a violent event led her to leave the alcohol in the sequel. She shares her experiences in her journey to 'really happy alcohol-free'.

Clare Pooley wrote the book 'ChardonNO'. An IkPas participant about this writing: “I have read it a number of times and every time I read something new in it. Humorous, serious, practical, confrontational, non-judgmental, applicable, not a self-help book, just Clare's experience. I say: read”.

'Beyond Addiction' is a spiritual bestseller written by Jan Geurtz in which he shows that our search for love and recognition stems from a fundamental rejection of the self and how we can change that.

We were also tipped about: 'I'm Loïs and I don't drink anymore'. The book tells the story of student Loïs Bisschop, who realizes she has an alcohol problem. She decides to kick the habit on her own.

Mariëtte Wijne (no joke) drank too much for years. In 'Well, one more then' she describes in a diary how things go for her when she stops drinking alcohol and looks back on the time when she still drank alcohol.

The latest book by Petra Moes is called 'The art of sober living'. “The art of sobriety doesn't teach you tricks to stop drinking and keep it up. What it is about? See and understand where alcohol keeps you away from. And how you can live grandly and compellingly by not drinking.” Thus Petra.

"Are you drinking?" gives an unvarnished view of addiction and therapy and is written by Myriam Bruyninckx (addiction-prone psycotherapist) and Philip Muls (high-functioning problem drinker). Become part of their story, get inside their head, feel for them when they fall and get back up.

Especially for the participants who like to read a book in English

Much more than a tale from the underworld of addicted drinking, 'The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober' goes ofar the escape, and why a frugal life can be more intoxicating than you ever imagined.

-'This naked mind' by Annie Grace (recommended)
William Porter's Alcohol Explained
-And for the mothers among us: 'Mrs D is going without' by Lotta Dann

Books about alternative thirst quenchers

-'Lemonade, non-alcoholic drinks for adults' – The Holy Kauw Company
-'Tea, the sober cousin of wine' – Mariëlla Erkens



Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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