This was the news

News, tidbits and facts: we love it. Especially when it comes to alcohol. What has happened and what is about to happen? We will update you on the latest developments.

More blurring

With a new cabinet -Rutte IV- on the horizon, some preliminary plans have already been announced. Nothing is certain yet, but it is being discussed. The same goes for 'blurring'. The plan is to allow more companies to serve alcohol. Clothing and book stores, for example. Or garden centers and hairdressers.

It's called 'Blurring'. In other words, allowing shops to become a kind of hybrid between retail (shops in all shapes and sizes) and catering, or services (hairdressers) and catering.

In the words of the cabinet: “We allow mixed formulas by regulating 'blurring' in shopping areas in a responsible manner, while closely monitoring alcohol abuse.”


Drinks without a hangover: Nieuwegein has recently opened an alcohol-free liquor store

 Wine is called Vinada and instead of Amaretto you buy 0.0-Amaretti: the City Plaza shopping center in Nieuwegein has recently opened an alcohol-free liquor store.

The shelves not only contain non-alcoholic wines and beers, but also surprising combinations with ingredients such as ginger, fennel and thyme. Hot peppers make you feel them burning in your throat just like a real drink.

Figures from the Trimbos Institute show that people are indeed drinking less and less alcohol. Today, almost half of the Dutch population adheres to the Health Council's advice not to drink alcohol or to drink more than one glass a day. A few years ago, in 2014, the number of light drinkers and abstainers was 37 percent. So such an alcohol-free liquor store is just right?


UvA calls on students not to drink alcohol in January

The Dry January campaign has started at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and students are encouraged not to drink a drop of alcohol throughout January. The campaign aims to raise awareness about excessive alcohol consumption among students.

The campaign is in collaboration with the Central Student Council (CSR). Manish Jhinkoe-Rai, chairman of the CSR, thinks the campaign could be a fun challenge for students. According to Jhinkoe-Rai, a drink every now and then can't hurt: "But be aware of the consequences of large-scale and frequent use of alcohol." He hopes to stimulate this awareness with the campaign.




Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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