Just give me a ranja

An Alderman from Someren came up with the concept: lemonade cafes. Those should be non-alcoholic cafes, so that the bars and restaurants could open again at the time of corona. Fortunately, going to the pub is allowed again - you can even stand close to each other again - but now you are on your break. How do you keep it fun without beer or wine on nights out?

We start with an open door: you actually don't need alcohol to have a good time. Of course that beer or wine contributes to the experience of such an evening, but it is your company that gives you a good feeling, it is the conversations that stick and it is the jokes that make the difference between cozy and very cozy.

Far out such a jar

Experience is partly presentation. Your soda drinks just a little more festively from a 'jar' than from a boring long drink glass. Tip for all catering entrepreneurs on a break: serve the non-alcoholic drinks in a nice way and make your guests happy. A wine glass filled with a speck of red and a slice of lemon also toasts well, but yes, drinking from a wine glass may make you long for that wine even more. So that's not a good idea for those who have a bit of a hard time with it.

Drink out of the box

You like Coke, but do you have to drink this all night? No of course not. Try something different, push your alcohol-free limit. In the meantime, many alternatives have been added. Think of kombucha, amé or mate. One is nice and spicy, the other has a nice effervescence. Give it a try!

Enjoy the benefits

Rolling out of the pub sober has its advantages. This way you won't have a broken body the next day, your head won't hurt, you'll be nice and active the day after, you can remember all conversations perfectly, you spent less money, no stupid actions were committed and you have a good night's sleep had. That's fine!

Kombucha, Amé and Mate

Nice but what is it?

Kombucha: Kombucha is made by fermentation. It is made from black or green tea, water, apple cider vinegar, a kombucha mushroom and sugar. The taste may take some getting used to, but it is a delicious thirst quencher.

Amé: Amé is a subtly sweet, slightly effervescent fruit drink made from natural spring water, fruit juice and herbs. The non-alcoholic drink is available in all kinds of flavors, from grape and apricot and from raspberry to blackberry.

Maté: Maté is made from a South American tea variety called: mate. It is a kind of exotic iced tea that refreshes and energizes.

read here the article about the lemonade cafes



Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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