Drink in hot weather

It is summer in the Netherlands. We have already had a few very hot days. And the temperature remains pleasant. Because of the heat it is important to keep drinking well. Water that is.
It is, rain or shine, important to get one and a half liters of fluid every day. That may be water, but also coffee, milk or soft drinks. A small addition: in hot weather, water is best to drink.
Chance of dehydration
The following applies to everyone: even if you are not thirsty, when the temperatures rise you have to drink. This is to prevent the risk of dehydration. In addition, people who use diuretics, people who take antidepressants and people with kidney problems and diabetes should pay extra attention. These people are more likely to be dehydrated.
Please note: if you suffer from kidney problems or heart failure, you are usually not allowed to drink unlimited amounts of water and it is wise to ask your doctor what you should and should not do in extremely hot weather.
Only when it's icy and icy cold
Often we think that ice cold water is the answer to our overheated condition. But that's a misconception. Cold drinks briefly cause the internal thermostat to drop, but that is not for long. The reverse soon happens. When drinking an ice-cold drink, our internal thermostat sends a signal that the body temperature must rise. Before you know it you'll be even hotter than you already were. Therefore, drink lukewarm drinks. This causes a temporary increase in body temperature, but as a result, the body eventually lowers the thermostat again.
Food also helps
Not only drinking water (coffee, milk or soft drinks) helps against dehydration. Watermelon, mango, strawberries, raspberries, cucumbers and blueberries contain many minerals in addition to sugars and vitamins. Need salt? A cup of broth, glass of tomato juice or a bottle of sports drink gives you an instant boost. Source: plusmagazine.nl.