An alcohol break: that makes you feel better

What have Brad Pitt, Bradley Cooper, Bella Hadid, Jennifer Lopez -and closer to home- André Hazes, Evi Hanssen, Bridget Maasland and Tim Knol in common? Precisely. They don't drink alcohol. Celebs don't drink for all sorts of reasons. For many, the outward profit certainly plays a role. Because a break only makes you prettier.
Lose weight, glowing skin, a more streamlined body, less wrinkles, clear eyes and less bags under the eyes. An impressive list of external benefits that a (longer) alcohol break brings you.
Beautiful inside and out
You probably know that your organs benefit from an alcohol break. But it never hurts to let that information sink in again. Therefore read the article 'It's break so your organs are celebrating'. In addition, your appearance also reaps the benefits of an alcohol-free life. We pick out a few.
To lose weight
There are several reasons why you can lose weight during the period that you stop drinking alcohol. This is not only due to the fact that wine, beer and mixed drinks themselves contain many empty calories, but also due to the impact that alcohol has on your eating, sleeping and exercise patterns.
Alcohol is a toxic substance that your body wants to get rid of as quickly as possible. Your liver therefore first starts breaking down the alcohol. Only then will the calories you have taken in be discussed. The substances that your body does not get to, are stored as fat for as long as possible. By drinking alcohol, you actually put your normal combustion process on pause every time. Now that you don't drink alcohol, your liver and combustion process can do their job undisturbed.
Radiating skin
Skin dehydration, skin aging and skin discoloration is a selection of skin problems as a result of drinking too much alcohol. Because you are temporarily not drinking, your skin will hydrate better. And that ensures a fresh and younger look. Within a few weeks, the worst redness disappears and your face gets a natural glow. What additionally stimulates the condition of your skin is drinking water, lots of sleep, a good facial cleansing and eating enough vegetables.
Muscle recovery
Does smooth muscle recovery make you prettier? Of course. A good muscle recovery ensures that you burn calories and promotes the production of muscles. Alcohol counteracts the production of growth hormones, which help your muscles grow and recover. Muscle recovery that is in balance ensures a more streamlined body. Bring on that summer!