Happy King's Day

Or should we say Housing Day? The king's birthday is also celebrated at home this year. But not without a number of national festive initiatives. What is there to do?

King Willem-Alexander and the Royal Family visit Eindhoven. The Royal Association of Orange Societies (KBOV) organizes a children's program and a program for the elderly. The theme of this King's Day is 'togetherness'.

Flags, chimes, carillonneurs and congratulations
We ask all residents of the Netherlands to put out a flag and pennant on this day. For the birthday king and for each other. That is possible from 6.23 am when the sun has risen. From 9.30 am on dozens of carillons well-known (national) songs about the theme of 'togetherness' and the song 'Side by side' by Children for Children (the song of the King's Games this year) will be played.

Every municipality in the Netherlands can ring the bells between 9.55 and 10.00 as a sign of connection. At 10:00 am the anthem will be played by the carillonneurs and everyone is called upon to sing the national anthem at home, in the front door, on the balcony or in the garden.

children's program
Between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m., the KBOV, in coordination with Jantje Beton, Scouting Nederland, YMCA, NUSO and sKBL, calls on children in the Netherlands to play outside. Managed playgrounds are open, scouting organizes activities and Orange Societies offer children's programs that households can do on their own. Click here For more information.

Elderly program
In the weeks before King's Day there is a so-called 'Aubade news' in which striking moments from previous King's Days and Queen's Days are connected with today. These broadcasts can be viewed via Omroep MAX.

National Toast in 'Max King's Day'
King's Day will be concluded in the special broadcast 'MAX King's Day', broadcast from Soestdijk Palace between 4.15 pm and 5.50 pm. It extensively looks back on the Royal visit to Eindhoven. The highlight of the broadcast is the National Toast at 4.30 pm, to His Majesty's birthday and to everyone's health. Also see: nationaltoost.nl.




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