Vapor lifestyle, mindful drinking and FOMA

Alcohol Trends; they exist in the broadest sense of the word. We are happy to tell you more about it. This way you will soon be able to talk about vapor lifestyle, mindful drinking and FOMA again.

Niet ‘dry’ (droog, als in geen alcohol drinken), maar ‘damp’ (vochtig, dat ergens het midden houdt tussen niet te veel en ook niet ‘niets’ drinken). Een damp lifestyle eropna houden, is dat je met mate drinkt. Dat is niets nieuws, maar verschillende sociale media (onder andere TikTok) lopen er mee weg. Ook zijn er een heleboel tips te vinden hoe je een damp lifestyle begint. Bijvoorbeeld: na ieder glas alcohol een glas water drinken. Of geen sterke drank drinken. En shotjes zijn een no-go!

En wat te denken van deze trends op het gebied van wel, niet of een beetje alcohol drinken.

Mindful drinking

Another hip term. Mindful drinking is for people who want to consciously deal with their alcohol consumption. Going all the way 'and we'll see how the flag hangs tomorrow', is not an option if you adhere to this lifestyle. Mindful drinking is about making agreements with yourself so that you don't drink more than you want to drink. And to stay one step ahead of that dreaded hangover…


Not FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) but FOMA (Fear Of Missing Alcohol). First that FOMO concept. You can be 'bothered' by this if you are afraid of missing out on all kinds of fun. That's why you make sure you're always there. Because if this turns out to be that one epic evening… then you were there at least! So FOMO. FOMA is the phenomenon that can pop up when you go through life sober, but your friends don't. Your friends drink and you no longer drink and that can cause a nagging sense of loss. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with your FOMA.

*Make a list of benefits of being sober. Please read this regularly. It keeps you motivated!

* Tell your friends, family, neighbors or whoever you are doing fun activities with, that you are (for now) going through life sober. Tell it openly and honestly, and yes, with pride!

*Find a buddy. Someone who is fully aware of your new sober lifestyle and who supports you when you are offered alcohol (for the umpteenth time), for example.

PS: You are still taking a nice break. For now, a vapor lifestyle or mindful drinking is not an issue. But maybe later after your break? Something to think about…




Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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