Do you also enjoy those fresh mornings?

There are plenty of break benefits. In addition to benefits such as sleeping better, losing weight, saving money and learning to say 'no' better, those crisp mornings are also a great treat. Today we put them in the (morning) sun again.

We previously wrote the article 'Ode to the fresh morning'. And that 'fresh' can be interpreted in different ways. You literally smell fresher from your mouth (alcohol is not good for your morning breath…), you sleep better so you wake up fresher and that fresh morning creates a lot of possibilities. You have more energy and time to start a nice morning routine. Have a quiet breakfast or start the day with a walk, for example. Fine!

En er zijn met jou meer mensen die genieten van een nieuwe frisheid. Journalist Martin Visser vertelt erover in dit artikel: Do not drink alcohol for a month. Does that make sense? Leuk weetje: onze eigen Martijn Planken komt aan het woord in dit artikel.



Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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