The more you earn, the more you drink

News from Belgium. Research into alcoholism, conducted by the wealthy OECD, shows that the more Belgians earn, the more they drink. According to the organization, in many countries there is a clear link between income and alcohol consumption.
In the OECD countries, both men and women in the higher income groups tend to drink alcohol more easily. Five countries stand out in this regard: this trend is very visible in Canada, Finland, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom and Belgium. look at here the graph 'Belgium', which shows how the level of income (of Belgian men and women) relates to alcohol consumption.
Decrease or stop yields
The OECD report 'Preventing Harmful Alcohol Consumption' also shows that alcohol costs society a lot of money. According to the OECD, every euro invested in preventing binge drinking delivers up to 16 euros in economic benefits, excluding the consequences for the companies in the sector.
What is the OECD?
In the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 34 countries jointly discuss and coordinate their social and economic policies. Most affluent countries are members of the OECD. So the European countries, but also the US, Mexico, Australia, Japan and South Korea. The organization was established shortly after World War II to help implement the Marshall Plan for the reconstruction of Europe. The organization as we know it today took shape in 1961 and is thus celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. |
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