How do you relax without alcohol?

Many people link drinking alcohol to relaxation. After a day of hard work, at home or at the office, you deserve a glass of wine or a beer. Just empty your head, let the stress of everyday life slip away and forget your worries. One drink turns into two and maybe that bottle will just run out. Now that you're pausing, you'll need to find other ways to relax. Here you can read some tips.
1) Read a good book
Did you know that six minutes of reading - from the ketchup label to the annual report of the Heart Foundation and everything in between - lowers your heart rate? If you can, leave your phone in another room, light a candle, and sit down with a good book. Don't like reading, but do you like listening? Listen from via the online library to an audiobook or sign up at a Stoytel, for example.
2) Take a long and warm bath
Bathing is maximum relaxation without alcohol. Move that nice scented candle to the bathroom, grab that good book or put on headphones and listen to your favorite music or audio book. And don't forget to put your pajamas on the heating, so that you will soon get into a warm set of clothes.
3) Go outside and walk
Put on your walking or sports shoes, step outside and start walking. Take a route unknown to you or map out a route via a hiking app. For example, you can set up a podcast while walking.
4) Practice yoga or any other sport
Yoga stands for relaxation. There are many on YouTube tutorials to find you to help you on your way. Don't like yoga? Go running, boot camp, walk, crossfit: get moving!
5) Meditate
Sitting on your behind and concentrating on your breathing can help you relax. It may come close to meditation, but it doesn't have to. Just taking a deep breath can help relieve stress. Here you will find some breathing exercises.