How do you become a weekend drinker?

One day your alcohol break will come to an end. And then most people don't want to go back 'to the way it was before'. Because during that 'first' they looked a little too often and a little too deeply into the glass for their liking. A popular question among IkPas participants is therefore: how do I become a weekend drinker?
That wine on Wednesday evening may be deleted. That beer to relax at the end of the working day too. The nightcap after the yoga class on Monday is also a must. In short: you don't want to drink anymore during the week. You only want to enjoy an alcoholic snack on the weekend. How do you keep the cork on the bottle on working days? We asked Petra Moes, initiator of De Kunst van Sochter Leven.
Tips from Petra
-If you choose to drink less, always choose fewer days (and no less units at a time).
-An alcohol-free day is easier than, for example, saying: "I'll stick to these two wines/beers." That is not crazy. This is due to the characteristics of alcohol.
-Make a clear agreement with yourself and stick to it. Whatever it costs.
-Make your appointment concrete: which days/hours count as a weekend, how much do you drink maximum?
- Look back after a certain time (a month or two months?) and take your appointment, check for yourself:
- Were you able to keep your appointment?
- What were the benefits of doing it this way?
- What were the drawbacks of doing it this way?
– Make another appointment for a next period, adjust your appointment if necessary.
-If it didn't work: move on to plan B. Plan B could be: fewer days / week yes-week not / month yes-month no / year yes-year no. That's up to you.
In short: take a concrete decision and evaluate it.