Higher substance use among at-risk youth

Since we have been dealing with corona, vulnerable young people have started drinking more alcohol and using more cannabis and nitrous oxide. The reason that young people do this is to avoid feeling feelings such as fear, stress and loneliness. This is apparent from the Antenna Region Monitor 2020-2021.
The researchers from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, associated with the national survey, interviewed 35 youth workers who worked with 850 at-risk young people in collaboration with Addiction Studies Netherlands. These risk groups are between the ages of 16 and 28. Often several problems play a role in the lives of these young people, such as a difficult family situation or unemployment. They are also regularly known for their substance use.
Less of one and more of the other
On the one hand, are we dealing with an XTC decrease -because: all catering establishments are (partially) closed- on the other hand, we see an increase in the damping agents, such as alcohol and weed. This would have everything to do with not having to feel emotions such as fear, sadness, loneliness and stress. But boredom also played a role and the loss of structure. The temptation to drink and use drugs was greater.
Hard to reach young people
Add to that the difficult accessibility of the young people from the professionals -there was mainly digital contact- and you have all the reasons why vulnerable young people started using more alcohol, cannabis and laughing gas.
Good to know: the regional monitor says nothing about drug and alcohol use among Dutch young people in general. There is also a group that drank, swallowed or snorted less during the corona crisis, because parties and other social activities were cancelled.
Sources: nji.nl and wedding.nl