Everyone deserves an alcohol break

The municipality of Koggenland scores high on alcohol consumption compared to the provincial average. Something that bothers Win Bijman, the alderman for Care and Welfare. He wishes the residents a long, happy and healthy life. Quitting smoking, exercising more and moderating alcohol all represent a healthy lifestyle. With regard to moderating alcohol, the alderman calls on everyone in the West Friesland region to participate in the largest alcohol break in the Netherlands: Dry January.
Are you up for the challenge? Sign up now for Dry January!
He is a moderate drinker himself. But there was also a time when he did participate enthusiastically. “Until I was twenty-three, I was happy to participate in drinking. But after I was twenty-three, I thought it was nice," says Win. “I saw that some then, and still do, stick to their old habit. I don't think everyone realizes how destructive alcohol can be. Where I do not want to say that you should never drink again, but moderation and occasionally not at all, is the message.”
Alcohol figures Koggenland compared to the whole of North Holland North (NHN)
-Sometimes drinks alcohol aged 18-65: 89.6% compared to 85.4% in NHN. -Heavy drinkers aged 18-65: 12% versus 10.8 % in NHN. Excessive drinkers aged 18-65: 20% versus 17.4% in NHN. -Sometimes drinks alcohol 65+: 83% compared to 78.1% in NHN. - Excessive drinkers 65+: 21.5 % versus 18.8% in NHN. -Heavy drinkers 65+: 4.9% versus 4.8% in NHN. Adults -12.0% of adults in Koggenland are heavy drinkers; that is, six or more glasses of alcohol in one day for men at least once a week and four or more drinks for women at least once a week. -Also, 20.0% of the adults in Koggenland is an excessive drinker; ie an average of more than 14 drinks per week for men and more than 7 drinks per week for women. |
Local Prevention Agreement
The fact that the alderman would like to see a decrease in alcohol consumption has been confirmed by the signing of the Local Prevention Agreement. In this letter, the municipality of Koggenland states that it is doing everything it can to commit itself (even) more to health prevention. This also includes the smoking cessation policy and the prevention of overweight. But the reduction of alcohol consumption is extra important to Win, because there is still much to be gained. Win: “When I look at the younger generation, I realize again why it is so necessary to curb alcohol consumption. The younger a young person starts drinking, the more harmful it is. Young people themselves are not always able to make conscious and healthy choices. Therefore, it is up to us adults to protect them from the dangers of drinking too much and too much alcohol. That is not patronizing, that is taking responsibility as a municipality, as an adult and as a person.”
Over the past 10 years, the municipality of Koggenland has paid a lot of attention to their alcohol and drug policy for young people. For example, information evenings are continuously organized for educators, in which they learn more about the risks and how, as an educator, you can discuss the topics of alcohol and drugs and make agreements with your child. The campaigns NIX18, NIXwithoutID and See drinking, drinking are also widely supported by the municipality. Through playful actions such as handing out bottles of water during the fair, the municipality hopes to raise awareness among young people about alcohol. |
I pass of course
For several years now, the alderman has deliberately taken an alcohol break every year. And in the most famous break month of the year: January. The Dutch Dry January is an initiative of IkPas. “I participate every year because I think it's important to set a good example. And because research shows that an alcohol break of at least a month helps. You sleep better, you feel fitter, your condition improves, your organs benefit and you break a pattern. You don't have to drink to, for example, have a good time. You will find that you can also do without it for a while. It is healthy to temporarily not drink. And later moderate with alcohol. This benefits your health. And I wish all residents of the municipality of Koggenland a long, happy and healthy life.”
Don't drink for a month. Are you up for the challenge? Sign up on www.ikpas.nl for the biggest alcohol break in the Netherlands: Dry January. With a tip from the alderman himself: register as a family, as a football team, colleagues, group of friends, bridge club, street or whatever composition. Because pausing is easier and more fun when you do it together. During your break month you will receive a daily newsletter, or less if you wish, containing easily accessible information, advice and tips on the theme of alcohol.