Is this month longer than usual?

Do you also find it difficult to get past those wine moments without giving in to them? It is. Those cozy moments with friends, or the moment when you come home after a long walk in the woods and want to sit by the fireplace with a glass of wine. Or the moment when you need a little comfort or want to relax quickly after a long working day. You are confronted with the habit you want to break and it really strikes you how much you have automated drinking alcohol in your day. It might scare you. Don't worry, that's why you participate in IkPas, right?
It actually suits me that I have fewer temptations to resist because of the lockdown. No New Year's drinks with family/work/association and no elaborate birthday celebrations. I think I've missed 6 such meetings so far. Nice because then I don't have to turn down wine, not nice because I miss the contact and the festivity with family and friends very much. A digital New Year's meeting with a cup of tea is different from a live meeting.
It helps me to wear my blue IkPas bracelet this month. By putting on my wristband every morning, I underline my intention to keep it really dry in January. Also during the day I see the band regularly passing by on my arm. It still strikes me! I also regularly get questions about the meaning of my blue belt. For example at work or in the supermarket. At first I found it annoying, but now I see it as an opportunity to tell (myself) why I participate in IkPas.
In the past I was sometimes asked: Do you not drink that much? I thought that was a difficult question to answer with an outright NO. I actually wasn't sure about that. And I wondered to what extent I was dependent on alcohol. That is why I started participating in IkPas. Not to make it too exciting, I turned out not to be dependent.
Anyway, how's it going so far? When you read this, you are already on your thirteenth day of IkPas. Doing well! Have you noticed that you get up easier in the morning? nice huh?