You drink a delirium. Do not do it.

"I'm going to drink myself a total delirium tonight." Well, don't. A delirium or delirium tremens is accompanied by various disturbances and can even be fatal.

Delirium, also called delirium, is a state of mental confusion. It occurs when the brain is no longer able to combine all the stimuli into a logical and coherent image. Symptoms of delirium may include:

-Restless, anxious, irritable, easily distracted.

- Sets on suddenly and varies in intensity throughout the day.

-There is a disturbance in the day and night rhythm.

-People have difficulty concentrating, sometimes have amnesia and have poor orientation.

-Perception disorders: for example hallucinations.

-Thinking and language disorders.

- Delusions: for example, paranoid delusions.

- Difficulty showing feelings.

Physical causes

Delirium often has a physical cause. Think, for example, of an infection, disease of the heart or brain. Things such as medication use, stress, anxiety or too little sleep also contribute to the development of delirium.

Delirium Tremens

In addition to the 'normal' delirium, we also know the delirium tremens. The latter has only one cause: chronic alcohol poisoning. The symptoms in delirium tremens do not differ from delirium.

The difference between the two makes him believe that delirium tremens can occur in alcoholics who suddenly stop drinking. Often a delirium tremens occurs acutely and is preceded by no warnings. In three quarters of people, delirium tremens lasts 72 hours or less. A delirium (tremens) costs a lot of energy. Afterwards, people fall into a deep sleep and cannot remember anything about the delirium tremens when they wake up. One in ten cases is fatal.

Source: and



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