Jezelf boos drinken

De een maakt grap na grap, terwijl de ander er juist een tikkie bozer van wordt. Hoe de alcohol valt, is per persoon verschillend. Maar zo’n kwade dronk is wel lastig. Het kan je in situaties brengen waar je liever niet in terechtkomt.

Oei, singer songwriter Douwe Bob kwam onlangs in de problemen in de Albert Heijn in Abcoude. Hij had gedronken en kreeg een aanvaring met een jongeman. De beelden gingen viraal en Douwe Bob betuigde snel spijt. Ook gaf hij aan zich direct op te laten nemen in een ontwenningskliniek.

Boos, kwaad of zelfs agressief worden door het drinken van alcohol komt vaker voor. Dan hebben we het hier over ‘een kwade dronk’. Waarom de een wel een kwade dronk heeft en de ander niet, zit zo:

When you've had a few glasses of alcohol, it affects different parts of your brain. Namely on your frontal lobe, your reward center and your amygdala.

Your frontal lobe controls impulse control and is put on the back burner by alcohol, so you think less about your actions.

-Your reward center is being stimulated. This makes you feel good and confident.

-Your amygdala is also extra stimulated. This normally controls your response to threats. Because this is stimulated, you experience situations more quickly as threatening, so that you react more aggressively.

A joke can go wrong or a look can be misinterpreted, causing someone with an angry drunk to immediately react defensively or offensively. This creates unpleasant or even threatening situations that you can regret later.

From cozy to threatening

Hoe komt het toch dat de één een (steeds) kort(er) lontje krijgt na het drinken van (te veel) alcohol en de ander niet? We leggen het je uit:

Your genes determine the balance between different neurotransmitters in the frontal lobe, reward center and amygdala. This is the basis of certain character traits. Alcohol disrupts the functioning of some neurotransmitters and thus enhances some character traits. For example, in someone whose amygdala is more active, drunkenness is more likely to lead to aggressive behavior.

Research shows…

…that people who mainly focus on the here and now and think little about consequences are more likely to display aggressive behavior. This effect can be minimal when one is sober, but can be magnified when alcohol is involved. Alcohol has a myopic effect, which means that it makes you think more in the short term. This can be dangerous for people who already do this in daily life.

The solution

You would say don't drink. And that's right. If that is not an option for you, it is good to be aware of your predisposition. Then you check how many drinks your behavior noticeably changes, so that you can see it coming next time and stop drinking in time. Source:



Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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