Young people drink later, but more

When you 'start drinking' differs from younger to younger. In some families, young people openly drink with their parents, others have a policy of tolerance and still others do not drink until they are eighteen. And then you have a lot in between. Yet the rules are very clear: drinking and smoking are prohibited until you are eighteen. Below you can read the facts and figures regarding alcohol and young people.

We start with good news: compared to 2003, young people are on average more than one year older in 2019 when they drink alcohol for the first time (12.0 years versus 13.3 years). We must, however, immediately add a comment. Compared to 2003, far fewer primary and secondary school pupils drink, but drinkers among them drink more often. binged.

We also get on well when you compare the ages of Dutch young people who start drinking with their European peers. But here too there is a downside. According to the ESPAD study, Dutch 15 and 16-year-old students drank for the first time in 2019 – compared to the average European peer – at a somewhat older age, more often per month, but above all much more per occasion. Dutch young people drink alcohol on average 6.5 times a month.

Reminder NIX under 18

What's up again? In 2014, the government raised the age limit for drinking alcohol from 16 to 18. But how do you deal with this in practice as a parent(s)? Is a glass of wine on New Year's Eve really that bad? Children's champagne can't hurt, right? And supervised drinking is better than secretly, isn't it? And so there are many more situations you can think of in which you as a parent(s) ask yourself: what boundaries should I set?

On the website of Jellinek, NIX18 or Novadic Kentron, you will find a lot of tips that can help you make agreements about alcohol use. Although the rules in the Netherlands are already very clear: drinking (and smoking) under the age of 18 is not allowed. Not even once. Not even at grandpa and grandma's fiftieth wedding anniversary. Not even on vacation. Not even after winning the championship. Also not…not at all.

It has been proven that young people who drink also drink a lot. In the corona year 2020, 14.5% of the drinking young people aged 12 to 17 years - according to CBS - was a heavy drinker. Because an alcohol problem does not make anyone happy, it is not a question, but one knows that you forbid alcohol (and tobacco) until your son or daughter's eighteenth birthday. Source:






Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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