Watching and reading tips about alcohol

Every week we go through the news again to see if there are any interesting facts to be found that have to do with the theme of 'alcohol'. Below you can read some viewing and reading tips. Have fun.
Reading tip
on we read an article about the combination of antibiotics and alcohol. It is well known that these two things do not go well together. But you'll see, you just have that wedding party while you're on antibiotics. You can read why it is better to keep antibiotics and alcohol separate here.
Viewing tip
ORTS is the Oosterhoutse Radio & Television Foundation. In 'A (H) Honest Conversationthey talk about alcohol. The street interviews are about, among other things, 'drunk for the first time', banning alcohol in supermarkets and raising the drinking age from 18 to 21. Nice and local and accessible.
Reading tip
We all know that alcohol is addictive. And because famous people are people too, they are not (or not) insensitive to the addictive effect of alcohol. In this article tells actor Tom Holland (Spiderman, Avengers, Captain America etc.) that he hasn't been drinking for a year because he became dependent on alcohol.
General reading tips
If you want to read again why alcohol is so addictive, read the article: 'Why is alcohol so addictive?'
In addition to Tom Holland, there are many more domestic and foreign stars who very consciously do not drink alcohol. Wondering who would rather drink something fresh than a beer, wine or a drink? Then read the article: 'These celebrities also go through life sober†