Critical noises around alcohol-free offer

Alcohol-free, low-alcohol and 0.0 are 'hot'. Breweries are cleverly responding to this trend and supermarkets are now full of them. Good news you think. Yet this trend has two faces. For example, the Trimbos Institute makes critical comments about alcohol-free and its marketing.

Trimbos Institute

The Trimbos Institute is the national Dutch knowledge institute for mental health care, addiction care and social care.

Young people and non-alcoholic drinks

Non-alcoholic drinks are much more accepted today than grab 'em 10 years ago. If you don't feel like a drowsy morning the next day, but do want to join in the fun, then you drink a zero point zero, for example. So far nothing critical to report. Nevertheless, the Trimbos Institute is concerned about developments in the field of non-alcoholic drinks. And especially about the combination of young people and non-alcoholic drinks.

“Because”, says Carmen Voogt of the Trimbos Institute, “the problem with non-alcoholic drinks is that in most cases it is not used as an alternative, but is drunk alongside alcohol. In addition, by drinking non-alcoholic drinks, young people can get used to the taste of alcohol.”


Between the ages of 12 and 16, half have drunk alcohol and one in five already binge drink.

Still not normal?

The alcohol industry is fully committed to alcohol-free. Also in advertising. This means that young people also come into contact with major beer brands. And that makes the step from non-alcoholic to alcoholic beer easier. The beer bottles differ in almost nothing from each other anyway, so no one can see whether you drink alcohol-free or non-alcoholic.

As a final concern, it can be added to the above that drinking non-alcoholic drinks can normalize alcohol consumption. Carmen: “Because non-alcoholic drinks are consumed in new places and at new times, where otherwise no alcohol is consumed. For example, during lunch or even while driving.” For example, drinking alcohol is becoming more and more normal (again). Source: wnl.n



Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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