Have a nice long listen

To the best podcasts yes! Before you dive into the weekend, here's a list of podcast recommendations. From financial 'thriller' and tips for a healthy psyche to bizarre wish lists from great artists. These podcast hits are your new pastime.

Behind closed doors

Countless lawsuits, a seizure that got out of hand, parliamentary questions and the resignation of De Nederlandsche Bank as a customer: in three episodes you will hear more about the story of the Twente multimillionaire Gerard Sanderink. How could an entrepreneur who spent years undisturbed building an empire of some 15,000 employees become involved in a series of conflicts in which his companies Strukton and Centric were also dragged along?

Listen to the podcast Behind closed doors here

The Podcast Psychologist

In The Podcast Psychologist, an important psychological theme is discussed in each episode and you get tips that you can immediately apply in your daily life. Themes such as 'envy', 'making choices' and 'healthy sports' are discussed, for example.

Listen to The Psychologist podcast here

Blue M&Ms

Before you stands a great artist. But what happens behind the scenes? Special wishes -a couple of puppies in the dressing room for the performance-, being late, taking too many drugs to perform…In Blauwe M&M's you listen to the best and the most juicy backstage stories from the music industry. All told by people who experienced it up close.

Listen to the Blue M&M's podcast here

The Taghi podcast

Ridouan Taghi is the notorious prime suspect in the multiple liquidation case Marengo. Paul Vugts, crime reporter for Het Parool, has been following him for years. Corrie Gerritsma talks with him in this podcast about Taghi's unlikely bloodlust, his youth, the liquidations he is suspected of and his influence on the rule of law.

Listen to De Taghi podcast here

easy eaters

Restaurant critics Hiske Versprille and Joël Broekaert like almost everything. In Easy Eaters, the two friends talk about culinary products that are usually not discussed at a professional level. Why are foam blocks the best in the pool? Can you also make Viennetta yourself? And why does salad dressing often consist of more garden herbs than sauce?

Listen to the podcast Easy eaters here



Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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