Martijn Planken about IkPas at NPO Radio 1

He had to get up early for it, but he likes to do that for IkPas. Martijn Planken appeared in the radio program 'Gaan!', which can be heard on NPO Radio 1 every working day between 4 a.m. and 6 a.m. In this podcast, the campaign manager, and one of the creators, tells everything about IkPas.
The podcast kicks off with the creation of IkPas. In 2013, the fire started to burn. During Lent, an alcohol break was already celebrated in the south of the Netherlands. An initiative such as Ocsober in Australia also attracted attention. Martijn and alcohol researcher Rob Bovens decided to turn it into an action. The first IkPas campaign attracted 80 participants.
Take back control
Further on in the podcast, Raounak -Khaddari, the presenter, ed.- and Martijn talk about possible withdrawal symptoms, the question marks that arise behind alcohol use and tips about dealing with alcohol. With tips you should think of calculating your alcohol consumption. You take back control of the choices you make. Without being forced on by alcohol marketing, friends or occasions.
Short term and long term
At a certain point, the conversation turns to the long-term effects of alcohol and how to act on the long-term effects. That starts with a choice you make for yourself. It is also about the positive powers of yourself. You don't want to end up in bed drowsy, so drink 3 beers instead of 10. With that you win a fit morning. That is the essence of responsible use of alcohol. And that behavior influences the long-term effects.
Positive counter voice
Martijn emphasizes in this podcast that IkPas is about the positive stories surrounding an alcohol break. Many people experience all the misery that alcohol can cause. But it is precisely that profit when you do not drink for a while that Ipas shares with its participants.
Curious about the whole podcast? Listen to the complete IkPas podcast with Martijn Planken accompanied by presenter Raounak Khaddari here.