Have you noticed any of the mental benefits yet?

Hopefully you will experience that you physically recover from an alcohol break. But did you know that an alcohol break also does a lot for you mentally?

Previously, you may have been used to relaxing with a drink. Busy at work? Drink. Arguing with your partner? Drink. hassle in the family? Drink. Renovation? Drink. And so there are many situations that ask for alcohol because of tensions. It is therefore important to use an 'alternative coping mechanism*' during your break. Do you like walking? Walk out the front door as soon as you feel tense. Is it best to blow off steam while cleaning up? Muck out the shed, attic, or garage as tension builds. But also drawing, doing puzzles, calling your sister or planning a vacation are all ways to relax without alcohol. Find the outlet that suits you best.

*Find a new outlet to relax.

Your mental health is like a bucket. Stressors in life can fill it. To prevent the bucket from overflowing, there is a tap that we can open to let some stress flow out. Things like sports, being creative, connecting with people, animals and nature, for example, ensure that the tap can be turned on regularly. But also waking up without a hangover, starting the day energetically and getting a lot done in a day is a way to prevent the bucket from overflowing.

Why? Therefore!

Did you know that excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to the worsening of the symptoms of many mental health problems? For example, drinking (too much) alcohol can lead to depression and anxiety. Sometimes people are not even aware that they are experiencing anxiety because of drinking until they actually take a break from alcohol. Maybe you also feel more balanced and happier now?

Reset your health

You could see an alcohol break as a reset. Both physically and mentally. In addition, it gives you the opportunity to think carefully about the role alcohol may play in your life in the (near) future. Because only you decide with whom, when and how much alcohol you want to drink.



Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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