drink less? Yes, says 1 in 10

We recently mentioned the survey conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) on '(un)healthy lifestyle'. Among other things, it showed why people drink. What was also researched is whether people want to drink less. Yes, say 10 percent of the respondents. So you are not alone!

You are not alone during your alcohol break anyway, because with you thousands of others put their alcohol consumption on pause every year. 3700 people aged 18 and older completed the survey. 80 percent of them drank alcohol in the past year.

Of the 80 percent who drink alcohol, 6 percent do so excessively, which equates to more than 21 drinks per week for men and 14 drinks per week for women. It turns out that 8 percent are heavy drinkers: a male heavy drinker consumes six glasses in one day at least once a week, a female heavy drinker four glasses.

It seems obvious, but the more people drink, the more often they want to cut down. About 6 percent of people who drink 1 to 7 glasses a week say they want to drink less alcohol. Just under 30 percent of users who drink 8 to 10 glasses want to drink less. Almost 36 percent of drinkers who consume more than 14 glasses per week want to cut down. Conclusion: the more you drink, the more often 'a gut feeling' rears its head.

The other side of the coin

If 10 percent want to cut down, there is a 90 percent that doesn't want to cut down. 29 percent say they have no problem with their own alcohol consumption, 61 percent think they already drink little alcohol. Source: cbs.nl.



Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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