Netherlands = Beer country

Forget the cheese, the flowers and the meat. The Netherlands is big in exporting beer. In fact, the Netherlands exports the most beer of all countries in the European Union. Our country is in second place worldwide. We present you the facts and figures.

A beer on a birthday, a beer after a hard day's work, a beer during a wedding, a beer before going to the pub, a beer when watching a movie: name an occasion and beer will go with it. A beer-drinking Dutch person drinks an average of 95 liters of beer per year. That is a lot of beer that is drunk in the Netherlands. But there is also a lot of beer from the Netherlands.

Number 1

Dutch brewers exported more than 2 billion euros worth of beer in 2020. And beer includes both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer. These figures give us the number 1 position on the list of largest beer exporters in Europe. Globally it means that we are in second place. Only Mexico exports even more beer.

Did you know…

-The majority of beer exports are destined for the United States? 37 percent of Dutch exports go there.

-Heineken is the main exporter?

- The Netherlands has also been the most important exporter of non-alcoholic beer since 2019? In 2020, 121 million euros worth of non-alcoholic beer was exported.

Here comes Belgium

The Netherlands has been the largest beer exporter in Europe since 2000. But this number 1 position is not a guarantee. Belgium is on the rise. And gets closer and closer. Our southern neighbors have seen their beer exports increase fivefold in the past twenty years. It gives the Belgians a second place for now. Germany and France complete the top four.

Fact: Belgium hardly imports Dutch beer, but does export a lot of beer to our country. The Netherlands is Belgium's second largest customer. Source:

Consciously drink alcohol

At IkPas we will never say that you should turn your back on that beer forever. We do, however, promote the break of a month or longer and the conscious drinking of alcohol. By temporarily not drinking alcohol, you notice the role alcohol plays (often unconsciously) in your life. 58% of the participants is more aware of their alcohol consumption after IkPas and they choose more consciously whether, when and how much they want to drink instead of acting out of habit.





Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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