News from the region

There is much to do nationally around the theme of alcohol. And there is also a lot going on regionally. So here are some regional news that we don't want to withhold from you.
10 x a year a glass
Alcohol consumption is restricted in an elderly flat in Rotterdam. For example, residents are only allowed to consume light alcoholic drinks in the recreation center 10 times a year, via a permit. The housing association wants the elderly who live in the flat to be more aware of alcohol consumption. The residents' committee calls it patronizing and the residents are not happy either. A game of cards or an evening of bingo is different than that. Source:
LEF Edam/Volendam focuses on even younger children
There were already 'Weekend Fun Nights' for 12 to 17 year olds in Edam/Volendam, now there are also 'Weekend Fun Nights Junior' especially for 10 to 12 year olds. The initiator of these alternative activities, LEF, also wants to make younger children aware of alternative activities during the weekend. The long-term goal is to increase the starting age of alcohol use among young people. Source:
Secondary school gets 'Healthy school' vignette
In recent years, the Driestar College in Lekkerkerk has paid a lot of attention to prevention against alcohol, smoking and drugs. For this, the secondary school has been awarded the 'Healthy School' vignette. This vignette is valid for three years. The Krimpenerwaard, of which Lekkerkerk is a part, is a 'hotspot' when it comes to alcohol and drugs, according to official figures from health organizations. In percentage terms, there are many young people in this region who drink too much and use drugs. That is why the performance is extra striking. Source: