The Great Preparation for the IkPas-40-days campaign
You've signed up, you've downloaded the app, you've hidden all the booze: you're all set for a great break! But there's more you can do…
Success experiences of IkPas participants
Of course we have the results of the previous campaigns, scientific studies and survey results that say that putting your alcohol consumption on hold is good for you. That it is great and…
The dry month is coming to an end: what happens after IkPas?
The end of your break period is getting closer and closer. Now you enjoy full support every day, because more than 40,000 others fit in with you. But what do you do after 30…
The effect of alcohol on the adolescent brain
Adolescence and alcohol is not a good combination. Drinking alcohol excessively hinders the development of the prefrontal cortex and can cause learning problems and stunted growth in the…
How do you make your IkPas participation clear to your date?
You're 'on the roll' on Tinder and you swipe like it's your own delight. And then it's time to schedule a date. What seems?…
Steps for and with next to nothing
Nightlife and alcohol have been a well-known duo for many years. Nice and loose on the weekend, where the headache is taken for granted the next day. But what if…
Have heart for your heart
Not drinking -or very moderately- is good for your heart. If you don't drink or consume small amounts of alcohol, your risk of heart disease decreases. But if you take too much…
Time left? 20 Things You Could Do!
Now that you leave the alcohol alone for a while, you may find that you have time left. Because secretly 'drinking' takes quite a lot of time. During the break period…
Drinking alcohol and its effect on your brain
You usually don't think about it every day, but damn those brains of ours get it right every day. Thanks to this mass of gray and white…
How do you deal with the great desire?
You are one hundred percent behind your break period. You have your word ready when people offer you something alcoholic, you have thought about an alternative drink, you are looking for relaxation or…
Help! I've been drinking...
During your break period you will find yourself in sufficient situations in which it is tempting to drink an alcoholic drink. And sometimes it can even happen that you forget for a while…
Alcohol marketing: this is how young people are seduced
Youthfulness and humor are two important pillars on which alcohol marketing is based. Young, healthy people in a funny situation immediately capture the imagination of a very large group…