Pauzeren en je stoelgang

Drinking alcohol is not good for your organs and your internal processes. Your digestion and therefore your stool can also suffer from your alcohol consumption. In other words: defecating or urinating does not work well or just a little too well. You can read how that works here.
Pooping and peeing. It's very normal and self-evident unless it bothers you in some way. Constipation can be a painful issue and diarrhea is no fun either. How does alcohol affect your digestion and therefore your bowel movements?
Just go to the toilet
Before you started this break, you sometimes had a drink or something. And you may recognize the following: you have finished your first drinks and you feel your bladder filling up. Time for a pit stop. Once you've been to the toilet, it seems like you have to take every two sips. That's how it works: alcoholic drinks inhibit a hormone that prevents urine production. As a result, more urine is produced and you have to go to the toilet often. You lose a lot of moisture and will run the risk of drying out in extreme situations. This overproduction of urine, resulting in dehydration, increases the risk of constipation (hard stools due to fluid deficiency). And so it is that you can suffer from painful stools due to your alcohol consumption.
cork in it
Perhaps you have experienced just the opposite in your alcohol history. There was no constipation, but excess. It is also possible that you just suffered from diarrhea. That's how it works: alcohol temporarily affects the nervous system in large amounts. As a result, stimuli in the body are no longer properly transferred. Among other things, the peristalsis (the contraction of the intestinal wall through which the intestinal contents is moved) in the intestines no longer works properly. And that results in a lot of visits to the toilet.
Your bowel movements now that you have stopped
You pause right now. Because you think it's good for your body. And maybe also to break a pattern. What does such a break do to your bowel movements? When you stop drinking (a lot of) drinking, you can suffer from withdrawal symptoms. One of those alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be diarrhea or constipation. Abdominal pain is also one of the well-known withdrawal symptoms from alcohol. Drinking too much can damage the lining of your stomach. This leads to heartburn. This can cause stomach discomfort when you stop drinking. When you drink, you notice this less because alcohol numbs you. If you suddenly stop drinking alcohol, it can cause stomach pains.
What can you do for constipation?
Eating enough fiber Whole wheat bread, vegetables, fruits, nuts and legumes are good sources of fiber. Fibers act like a sponge in the gut through which they absorb water. In this way they ensure a smooth stool and give volume to the stool. Fiber also keeps the intestines moving. Check out tips for eating more fiber. Drink 1.5 to 2 liters per day Drinking 1.5 to 2 liters every day helps to prevent constipation. Water, coffee and tea are a good choice. Because fibers bind moisture, they can only do their job well if you also drink enough. Drinking too little can cause hard and dry stools. Enough exercise Movement also moves the bowel. Exercise every day can therefore help to prevent constipation. Brisk walking, cycling, vacuuming, gardening: it all counts. Don't stop pooping If you must, then you must. Don't ignore the urge. Withholding stool contributes to constipation. Take enough time to go to the toilet, for example after breakfast. After a meal, the bowels start moving and that is a good time to go to the bathroom. Eat at regular times Regular eating stimulates regular movement of the intestines. By eating regularly we mean to eat at least breakfast, lunch and dinner every day and not to skip any of these meals. A good breakfast is very important. Preferably have a large, fiber-rich breakfast. This activates the intestines. Do the complaints remain? Do you continue to have problems with your stomach or intestines for more than 4 weeks despite having followed the above advice? Or do you suffer a lot from your complaints? Go to your doctor to find out what's going on together. Source: |
What can you do with diarrhea?
Eat as healthy as possible Just eat what you feel like. Try to eat as healthy as possible, possibly in smaller portions. Special foods are not necessary. White bread or rusk do not stop working. Drink regularly and small amounts Drink plenty to avoid dehydration. Always drink small amounts, 2 to 3 liters per day. Drinking is especially important if you are also vomiting. Water, tea, broth or diluted fruit juice are suitable. Clear juices, such as apple juice, pear juice and grape juice are less suitable, because these drinks have a laxative effect for some people. Eating enough fiber Eat lots of fiber. Fibers in the intestines keep the stool supple and give it volume and firmness. Good sources of fiber for diarrhea are vegetables and whole-grain products, such as whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, whole-wheat pasta, brown rice and whole-wheat couscous. No diarrhea inhibitors Do not use antidiarrhoeal agents in sudden onset diarrhoea. In this way, the possible cause, such as a bacterium or parasite, cannot leave the body through the faeces. ORS is allowed A special solution (ORS) is available at the pharmacy to replenish minerals in addition to moisture. Wash your hands Always wash your hands well after going to the toilet to avoid contaminating others. Source: |