Pauzeren vraagt om een andere mindset

Misschien houd je voor het eerst een alcoholpauze in je leven? Of misschien doe je dit voor een tweede of derde keer, of ben je een getrainde pauzehouder? Of je nu veel ervaring met pauzeren hebt of niet, het vraagt iedere keer weer een verandering in je houding, ofwel een ‘switch in mindset’. Hoe train je je brein, zodat je alcoholpauze een succes wordt?

Jezelf ander gedrag aanleren is lastig. Maar niet onmogelijk. Je mindset veranderen ten opzichte van alcohol kan met behulp van onderstaande tips. Leer je brein begrijpen en verander je gedrag.

be curious

Sta open voor datgene wat een alcoholpauze je misschien gaat brengen. Lekkerder slapen? Een beter humeur? Meer energie? Stralende huid? Geen onrust in je lijf? Je minder afhankelijk voelen? Trots zijn op jezelf? En ben ook benieuwd naar de weg ernaartoe. Niks is voor niks, maar het kan ook hartstikke meevallen.

Je brein wil je ‘beschermen’

You don't drink for a month? You who can normally look forward to that first cold beer or wine after a hard day's work? Your brain will try to persuade you not to start your new challenge. Everything is fine the way it is, right? Stepping out of your comfort zone is not fun at all. Staying in your comfort zone is nice, that's why it's called comfort zone! And that's where your brain is wrong. The profit you make after not drinking for a month is very large, but your brain doesn't know that yet. So take a deep breath and take the plunge!

Don't judge yourself

Your brain always wants to be right. Can you see that hanging out on the couch is much less fun without a drink? Your brain says things like that to you to make you feel like you've come up with some crazy plan. That is of course nonsense. Change often brings you a lot. In any case, you are an experience richer after implementing a change. Not drinking for a month will get you a lot. Even if you do drink alcohol once in a while. Don't judge yourself and give the change a chance.

Don't hide yourself

Literally and figuratively meant. It's tempting to put on a mask. Maybe people know you as a sociable animal, who is not averse to a drink more or less. It is tempting to let people into that delusion. Not to let anyone know you made a u-turn. And especially not to let them know that you don't feel very comfortable with your drinking at all. But what if you did tell? But what if people actually appreciated you more because you changed your mind? What if it didn't really matter what a handful of others might think about you? That is a liberating feeling. And a change, no matter how big or how small, you can cherish.



Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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