Cheers! To the Dutch.

We can no longer ignore it. We Dutch do like a drink. To be precise, we drink an average of 112 days a year. And we get drunk about 16 times a year. hip. That's not wrong.

These results and more were recently published and we read in the Global Drug Survey Report. This report states, among other things, how much is drunk in all countries. The study was conducted among 32,022 people from 23 countries.

Back to the Netherlands for a moment. With 112 days a year, we are in the top 3 largest drinkers among the 23 countries surveyed. New Zealand is at number 2 (120 days) and France (joie de vivre and laissez faire) is the undisputed number 1 (132 days).

Dutch man vs. Dutch woman

Those 112 days a year is an average. And it is mainly the Dutch men who boost the average. They drink 121 days a year, while Dutch women drink alcohol for 102 days and transgender, non-binary and intersex people drink alcohol 116 days a year.

Even more facts & figures

112 days a year. That is about 2 days a week 1 or more glasses of alcohol. On average, according to the report, the Dutch regret the amount of alcohol they have drunk about 24 times a year. The Danes and Finns, on the other hand, drink most often without feeling guilty. They both regret their alcohol use only 17 times a year. Source:

Just a little too much of a good thing

Of the 112 days on which we drink on average, the Dutch are actually drunk about 15.7 days a year. And here too men and women differ from each other. Men are drunk 18.7 days a year and women 12.3 days. Converted that 15.7 equates to slightly more than 1 drunken splurge per month. It is so different with the Australians who speak with a double tongue on average 26.7 days a year. Spending almost an entire month of the 12 months drunk…and headache the rest of the year?





Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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