More than a quarter sometimes drive with alcohol

27 percent of motorists get behind the wheel while drinking. 1 in 10 even drinks more than the permitted 2 glasses. And 26 percent of the Dutch sometimes worry about a loved one who gets behind the wheel with alcohol consumption. Indeed, another study has been conducted.
MarketResponse surveyed more than 1,000 respondents on behalf of Univé, asking them about their driving behavior and alcohol consumption. In addition to the results just mentioned, 39 percent of drinkers behind the wheel say that one or two drinks have little influence on their driving behavior and 7 percent even think that alcohol has no influence on their driving behavior at all.
One more then
Alcohol and driving is never a good idea. Yet this still happens in more than a quarter of the cases. Why? This has everything to do with the social aspect of alcohol. It's 'cosy' to drink and 'uncozy' to say no. Even if you still have to drive. So let 1 in 5 'alcohol drivers' convince themselves to have another drink.
Effects of alcohol on driving behaviour
If it's up to Veilig Verkeer Nederland, people never drink a drop when they still have to drive. Because, says VVN: 'Even after 1 glass, your driving skills are already deteriorating. Your ability to concentrate deteriorates, your ability to react decreases and you become more impulsive. Alcohol makes you feel more confident and underestimate the risks of drunk driving. Not to mention the hefty fines and losing your driver's license if you are caught driving under the influence. Sources: and
So are you having a party and need to drive? Then opt for a cola without a tic…