Socialize without alcohol

Hoe dans je nuchter? Waar laat je je handen? Wat als er alleen maar alcohol te verkrijgen is? En hoe reageren mensen als je zegt dat je tijdelijk geen alcohol drinkt? Allemaal vragen die door je hoofd kunnen gaan wanneer je pauze viert. Geen nood, je sociale leven hoeft niet te eindigen bij het inlassen van een alcoholpauze. Met onderstaande tips geniet je nog steeds van je avondjes uit.
Start small
Your best friend's birthday, your brother's wedding, or your much-anticipated trip to Vegas aren't exactly examples of occasions that lend themselves to a good "first time sober." For almost everything, take small steps, so experience a sober brunch or an alcohol-free game night first.
Build up slowly
Once you've had a few down-to-earth successes, start increasing the space and number of people when you go out. So maybe that corner café or a karaoke night at that new downtown bar. In any case, leave the nightclub or village pub quiz for what it is for a while.
Be honest
Eventually, even after slowly building up, sooner or later you will end up in a situation with people you used to drink with. An excuse is easily told, but experience shows that honesty works best. Although an “I'm not drinking tonight” is also fine. You don't owe other people an explanation.
Plan an exit
Whether it's a big social event or not, there comes a point where you want to leave. That may be because your urge for a glass of alcohol becomes too great. Or because everyone around you is getting more and more intoxicated. Or, and we hope so, because you had a good few hours of fun and now just want to go to bed. Make sure you have a plan for going home, preferably one that doesn't rely on others drinking. Don't be afraid to duck when the time is right for you, even if it's much sooner than when you're drunk.
Treat yourself
You certainly don't have to just drink coke if you're going to socialize sober. Many pubs, cafes and restaurants nowadays have quite a choice of non-alcoholic alternatives. Do your research and try several variants and flavors. Another kind of treat is giving yourself something, because you're doing a good job and because you're saving money now that you don't drink anymore. That could be that coveted fishing rod or that pair of shoes you've been coveting for a while. That's okay!
Quick calculation
Suppose you drink one bottle of wine a day. One glass before dinner, two glasses with dinner and then two more glasses on the sofa. If you assume that that bottle costs about € 6, that is € 42 per week and therefore € 180 per month. Do you go to a terrace once a week and spend about thirty euros on drinks and also buy two bottles of wine for home? Then you also have that €42 per week and €180 per month. On an annual basis you then drink away € 2160 in alcohol. |
Enjoy it
Pausing is above all enjoying. No hangovers, save money, more energy, no stress about what has been said or happened, better skin, better sleep, and so much more quality time. The latter in particular is priceless.
Happy break!