Sitting at home and working from home

For more than a year we have been asked to work from home as much as possible. So that as few people as possible become infected with the virus. That's what we all do together. You can read here how to make such a working day at home productive and enjoyable.
You work (on and off or on a rotating basis) at home. For a year. So you may have already applied most of the tips. However, you may still find some inspiration here and there. Just in case we work from home a little longer. You may have already done so by planning well and buying that extra nice chair. Make good agreements with the home front and perhaps also with your colleagues. But have you also thought of the following?
- Don't work in your jogging suit, but dress as if you were going to work. This creates a mental click between being at home and working.
- Breakfast quiet and extensive. Don't set the alarm later 'because you don't have to travel'. Use that extra time for breakfast and the morning paper.
- You can also spend that extra time in the morning on a nice walk or a run. Movement makes you fresher and fitter. Good for productivity.
- Schedule regular breaks. During such a break you prefer not to stare at your Facebook timeline. Put that cool song on volume 10 (but think of the neighbors, they also work at home of course) and let yourself go completely. A game of air guitar does wonders for your work mood.
- Be kind to yourself. Do you brighten up with a bunch of flowers on the table? To do! Do you enjoy a hot lunch every day? To do! Do you enjoy good coffee or tea? Treat yourself with quality products.
- Do you want to work together with your colleague because you can work and talk so well together? Then put both whereby at. That is a tool for holding an online video call. If you want to say something, you can do so and in the meantime you keep working.
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