During a break you can be yourself

After a drunken evening you will receive text messages with summaries of the previous evening in one-liners. 'Hey, you must have a headache.' 'Pretty muscle sore from that wild dance or not…?!:)' 'Did you go home alone or…' When you drink too much, you can turn into a person you really aren't or don't want to be at all. Science dissected four types of drunk "personalities."

Scientists at the University of Missouri-Columbia in South Carolina examined 187 students and their drinking behavior. Every student had a drinking buddy with them. Someone who knew them well, sober and drunk. Both completed two identical surveys, asking how often someone drank, what the consequences were and what (changing) personality traits occurred.

The Big Four

Based on 'The Big Five', a theory of personality development, the researchers looked at five dimensions to describe a person's personality: extroversion, mildness, intellectual autonomy, orderliness and emotional stability. The students were then divided into subgroups. The result of this research is that four types of drunken personalities can be described.

Type 1 Ernest Hemingway

This is the group that experiences little change as drinkers. Like writer Ernest Hemingway, they maintain their orderliness and intellectual autonomy (independent thinking). It was striking that this type applied to the largest group of students (40 percent). As a result, the researchers concluded that this group represents the majority of drinkers.

Type 2 Mary Poppins

The Mary Poppins among us are sociable when they're not drinking, and become even more extroverted when they're under the influence of alcohol. There is a lot of chatter and laughter, but there is a sacrifice in orderliness and intellectual autonomy. The 14 percent of drinking students who met these criteria still behaved responsibly and experienced few explicit problems from their alcohol use.

Type 3 Mr. Hyde

you know mr. Hyde from the horror film Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The nice Dr. Jekyll takes a potion, turning him into the monstrous Mr. Hyde. Type 3 is therefore the 'evil drunk' type. "Members of this group tend to be irresponsible, unwise and even hostile when under the influence," the researchers said. In addition, this group is statistically most likely to experience dangerous effects from alcohol (such as a black out or an arrest for public intoxication).

Type 4 The Nutty Professor

In a sober state, this type is rather shy and introverted, but under the influence of alcohol changes into a social animal that spends the evening hopping and partying. They know the biggest difference in personality between sober and drunken state, but they are still well aware of what they are doing. Source: demorning.be

The mental hangover

The effects of drunkenness range from minor (you've hugged everyone you met) to major (you've been openly flirting with your best friend's new crush). you could also have a regret hangover (mental hangover) the next day - in addition to a physical hangover.

The hangover regret is a cocktail of guilt and shame. If you slump a lot, you may feel bad about yourself the next morning. Why am I still lying here on the couch and not in my bed? What exactly did I say last night? Have I sent messages to acquaintances or strangers? Those regrets are unpleasant to feel and encourage fear of 'not knowing'.

It's nice that you don't have to worry about this during your break. You are just being your sober self.






Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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