Tips for cutting down after Fit for vacation

The end of this challenge is slowly coming into view. And then? Back to how it was or would you rather chronically go down a notch? We can help you with the latter. Read our tips here.
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Take a moment to reflect on this month. Before you loosen the reins again in July, it's good to think about your alcohol consumption in the future. What parts of this alcohol break did you like or appreciate? What benefits did you appreciate the most? Are there ways you can experience those things throughout the year, after you've reintroduced alcohol as well?
How much did you actually drink?
Calculate how much you drank before this challenge and see if you were satisfied with this. If not, this is a good starting point to help you determine what you would like to change and what changes you could make.
Build up slowly
After an alcohol-free month, you cannot immediately start drinking again as before. It won't do you any good and will probably lead to a hangover lasting several days if you really mess it up. To take it a bit easier, you can take a water or a glass of fizz after every alcoholic drink.
make a plan
It may sound strange to sit down and make a plan about your drinking, but trust us, it's worth it. By working out what your goals are and how you want to achieve them, you are more likely to be successful. Do you no longer want to drink during the week? Write down what you will drink when you go out or meet up with friends, for example.
Arm yourself against cravings
Have strategies for when the craving, the sense strikes. If you know you tend to drink a lot on weekends, think about how you can limit it. If you always drink more at dinner parties with your friends, think about how you could drink less. Now that you've taken a break this month, you already know you can handle these situations. Apply those same skills here and you're good to go!
Drink because you want to drink
Don't just drink because it's there: drink because you want to! A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself: Am I drinking this drink because I'm going to enjoy it? If not, don't drink.
Plan your next alohol break :)
Don't wait until next year if you want to try another month without alcohol. If you're having trouble sticking to your goals or if you notice that your alcohol consumption is slowly increasing, don't hesitate to hit the reset button again!