Why do you drink alcohol?

A break is a good time to think about the question 'why am I drinking?'. Because in addition to all the great benefits that you (hopefully) experience thanks to a break, dwelling on the habit of 'drinking alcohol' is also a goal of IkPas.
Plop down on the couch after a busy day with your favorite drink within reach. Is this a familiar image to you? 'I earned it' is a reason for many people to drink alcohol. Now that you're on a break, it's good to look for a different kind of treat. By planning something small for each night so you have something to look forward to, you can take the focus away from that old drinking habit.
Replacement treats
A warm bath Read that magazine all the way through A long evening walk Play soccer with your child Extensive cooking Or pick up, because you don't like cooking Just like that on a Wednesday evening to the cinema Cycling that end to that one ice cream parlor Watch your favorite movie one more time Or whatever makes you happy. |
Other reasons to drink
Drinking alcohol because you 'deserved it' is of course not the only reason why you (regularly) crave a glass of alcohol. Below is a whole bunch of reasons. Which one(s) apply to you?
To relax
To give me confidence
Because I like the taste
Because it's part of celebrating
Because I'm angry
Because my partner drinks
It's just a habit
To prevent boredom
To feel better
To help me sleep
To relieve stress
To relieve anxiety
It is expected of me
To block worries
Because I'm upset
It makes me feel social
Because I'm hungry
Any other reason you can think of…
A good preparation…
is indeed half the battle. If you know why you drink, you can prepare. With a nice list of alternative treats / activities you can escape the habit of opening a bottle. You replace one habit with another (healthier) distraction.
Then this:
Can you never plop on the couch this month without feeling like your favorite drink? That can be quite difficult at first, but with a good non-alcoholic alternative at hand, those couch-hanging evenings become a lot more attractive. Are you still looking for a tasty alternative? We come with tips.