Why are bananas crooked?

Facts, facts and figures. At IkPas they love it. That is why we answer a number of 'why questions' in this article. With these new facts you will definitely steal the show at the next birthday.

Why does everything spin when you're drunk?

Eyeopener: we actually always see double. With the difference that when you are sober, your brain is able to combine these two images into one whole. If you have looked too deep into the glass (or 5), your gray cells will no longer be able to do this. In a drunken state you are also unable to use your eye muscles properly, which means that you are no longer able to look straight. The result: eyes that look in all directions and your brain that fails to form a single picture of the situation. Source: visusoogkliniek.nl.

Why do you do or say strange things when you are drunk?

Alcohol not only has a narcotic effect, it also has a disinhibiting effect, so that you dare to say or do things that you would otherwise not do. You have less control over yourself and your emotions. This, in combination with the fact that alcohol affects your judgment and memory functions, means that you can suddenly say things in a drunken stupor that you later regret.

Why is alcohol so addictive?

That's because when you drink alcohol, endorphins are produced. Also called the happiness hormone. The endorphins produced are sent by the brain to different parts of the body. You can imagine that you want to experience this feeling of happiness more often. Especially when you suffer from stress, gloomy showers or are dealing with major setbacks. Every time you drink, you forget your problems or your stressed feeling fades into the background and you release endorphins. You experience your problems or stress as less intense and you feel a bit better (you think). Before you know it you need alcohol - daily - to forget the day and your troubles and to experience a certain feeling of happiness. What you don't realize is that you're actually craving a shot of endorphins.



Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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