What do you do with all that new free time?

Sitting at home + not drinking = having a lot of time (to spare). What are you doing then? You are looking for new and fresh pastimes. Perhaps the following inspires you and before you know it you will have a new hobby.
1) Listen to music
Get your vinyl off the shelf, dust off your mixtapes, polish up your CDs, fire up Spotify, sit back and just listen. Music is so often present in the background in your life that it actually deserves a leading role. Spend an evening putting together your ultimate playlist. It could be a collection of soothing tunes, or an evening of nostalgia with signature soundtracks from your life. Either way, listening to music is a great way to relax.
2) Or…make your own music
If you already play an instrument, you might as well compose 'a hit' yourself. But a nice cover is just as nice. Practicing for an hour or two and a few times a week will soon have you strumming, drumming or blowing like a rock star† If you don't play an instrument, but you have always wanted to, you can pick up an instrument via Marktplaats. Watch some 'how to' YouTube videos and play. That's how Justin Bieber grew up.
3) Gardening fun
This is one of those things that you either love or hate. If you are a passionate gardener, you often have your hands in the dirt. If not, start small and plant a few bulbs in a window box or sprinkle some herb seeds in a box of soil. If you don't have the space or don't have your own garden, check the community garden in your area. Remember to water your seedlings regularly - they like moist and not dry - and by the time your dry month is over, you should see your plants growing. Can it be even more symbolic?
4) Treat yourself
Make your home a home spa. And treat yourself to the whole rata plan. Give yourself a manicure, a pedicure, a face mask, and a mineral bath. Provide your hair with an intensive hair mask and let your worries float away. Meanwhile, call a friend while you sip a relaxing herbal tea. And gentlemen, you also find this relaxing to do.
5) Get creative
Maybe you can knit, like to embroider or you sometimes paint. Maybe you've never tried any of these things, but you want to. You don't have to be brilliant at it, you just have to enjoy the process. Creating something new can be very satisfying. Try out different creative arts to find what you like. Don't feel like anything creative, but love the idea of learning? View the wide range of (free) courses that are available online. For example, learn a new language or deepen your cooking skills.
6) Big cleaning
This tip doesn't immediately make everyone happy, but cleaning up and scrubbing can be very rewarding. If you haven't cleaned up your (home/) room to a higher level during the lockdown, now is the right time. Your free evenings will be well spent if you run the broom through it. Not only do you create extra space, you can donate anything you don't want to charity for that feel-good factor or raise a little money by selling it online.