What you can expect from the 3 IkPas webinars

Not a drop of campaign during these 40 days Martijn Planken - alcohol prevention expert, campaign manager at IkPas and one of the founders of IkPas - provides 3 webinars. In the informative webinars, he discusses various topics around the theme of alcohol.

Webinar 1: Thursday 17 March at 20.00
Webinar 2: Thursday, March 24 at 8 p.m.
Webinar 3: Thursday 7 April at 20.00

-Webinar 1 is about the break experiences so far, discussing, among other things, common withdrawal symptoms. How was the first week? What did you run into and what might you still run into? Martijn also deals with questions from viewers. So if you have a question about (the effect, the struggle or fill in) of your alcohol break, send a message to webinar@ikpas.nl.

-Webinar 2 zooms in on the social withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol is everywhere. How do you deal with this? There is also a special guest: Petra Moes is coming by. She shares her experiences and tips.

-Webinar 3 is all about life after IkPas. What role do you see for alcohol in your future? 

Click here if you want to register. After registration you will receive no later than Wednesday the link that gives you access to the webinar.

Do you have a question that you would like to see answered during the webinar? Send your question to webinar@ikpas.nl.

Can't attend? The webinar will also be recorded, because no participants appear on the screen.



Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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