Wednesday Facts: you didn't know this yet

It's Wednesday and then you know it: high time for facts that you are not yet aware of. In this edition you can read everything about alcohol poisoning, the hangover and the blackout.

A hangover is also a form of alcohol poisoning.

When you think of alcohol poisoning, you might think of unconsciousness or something as severe as a coma. But did you know that a hangover is also a form of alcohol poisoning? Nausea, headache, thirst, sweating: all symptoms of an old-fashioned hangover. A signal from your body that you've overdone it. Getting plenty of rest and drinking water can help you beat the hangover. True alcohol poisoning, on the other hand, is not just something. It can even result in death. Symptoms that may indicate alcohol poisoning include:

-Confusion or disorientation

-Lack of coordination and/or inability to walk

-Decreased response or apathy

-Cold, clammy skin

- Bluish skin, especially around the lips or under the fingernails

-Irregular heartbeat and/or slow heartbeat

Urinary and/or faecal incontinence (unable to control bowel or bladder)

The hangover from wine should not be underestimated.

You think, oh, that one glass of wine will also go in. It's not whiskey what you're drinking, is it? Correct. But did you know that two bottles of wine equal about ten shots? That results in a hefty headache and an uneasy stomach the next day.

A blackout causes irreparable damage to your brain.

In addition to the unpleasant experience of not knowing exactly what you have said or done, a blackout is a poisoning phenomenon and a strong warning from your body to drink less in the future. Every blackout deals a heavy blow to your brain. The damage that your brain incurs as a result can cause permanent memory problems with regular blackouts. Regular gaps in the memory are therefore an urgent call from your brain to you to take a closer look at your drinking habits. Especially when you know that damage that the brain has once suffered is irreversible.





Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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