Is 0.0 drunk instead of or in addition to alcohol?

In the past you were often looked at with pity if you ordered a zero point zero, nowadays this is nothing to be ashamed of. 0.0 is hot. A good thing for our health you would think. Only if 0.0 is drunk instead of alcohol. And that's just the question.

Earlier research by RIVM in collaboration with the Trimbos Institute showed that the demand for non-alcoholic beer in supermarkets and liquor stores increased by 316 (!) Percentage between 2013 and 2020. On the other hand, researchers did not see a decrease in alcohol consumption among young people and adults during that period. This means that we cannot determine whether 0.0 is consumed instead of or simply in addition to alcohol. Although it is likely that 0.0 next to it and not necessarily instead to be drunk.

The other side of the coin

If it is established that 0.0 is indeed consumed alongside it and not necessarily instead of alcohol, then the visibility of alcohol brands will only increase. For example, young people and children become familiar with the larger alcohol brands sooner. And the step from 0.0 to alcoholic is then made faster.

No 0.0. What then?

Of course, the health benefits are great if you replace your favorite alcoholic drink (consistently or very regularly) with a zero point zero. Then you drink 0.0 instead of alcoholic. Do you really want to do it all right? Then you replace your 0.0 with another alternative that has no alcoholic equivalent. Think of a sparkling lemonade, a sparkling tea or an exciting herbal combination. In these cases there is no question of a 'step-up product' (from 0.0 you switch more quickly to alcohol-containing), but of a stand-alone product. Cheers!

Source: AT5/



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