So many reasons to pause

Wij vroegen jullie laatst via de nieuwsbrief waarom jullie een hele maand geen druppel drinken. Nou, dat hebben we geweten. De reacties stroomden binnen. Waarvoor onze dank. Hieronder lees je een greep uit de mails die we ontvingen.


Why am I participating? I've participated in 'IkPas' before and it always went easy for me. And yet I always fell back into my old drinking pattern of drinking too much. But this time I was really 'up for it'! There was always a reason to raise the glass. I caught myself secretly drinking too. Of course I regretted it afterwards. However, it never got to the point where I was drunk. When I started to feel dependent on a glass of wine, I also realized that I had to do something with it. To darn! And honestly, I'm glad, so glad I'm participating. I say it out loud at a drink and birthday. I signed up at a gym and am going to work on myself. I know this time it's gonna be alright. It took me a week of sleepless nights, but now I sleep like a baby.

De reden waarom IkPas is omdat karakter wil tonen naar mijn vrouw, kinderen en schoonkinderen. 2 dochters en 1  schoonzoon zijn ook gestopt. Dus goed voorbeeld, doet goed  volgen.
Ik ben me er al langere tijd van bewust dat ik veel te veel drink. Mijn reden om aan IkPas mee te doen, is toch wel omdat ik en mijn dierbaren zich zorgen maken om mijn fixatie op alcohol. Iedere dag kijken of er nog wijn in huis is, hoe laat kan ik het eerste glas inschenken en daarna maar blijven inschenken… met slecht slapen en vervelend gedrag tot gevolg. Allemaal door de alcohol.  Er moest iets gebeuren. Toen kwam IkPas voorbij , waarbij ik dacht deze uitdaging ga ik aan. Er zijn bijna twee weken voorbij en het gaat zo goed! Het leven blijkt ook zonder alcohol aangenaam te zijn.
I participate in IkPas because I want to break a pattern of drinking a few glasses of wine every day. In addition, I hope that it will provide health benefits such as better sleep.

I pass for the following reasons:

  1. Breaking a habit;
  2. Keeping a good habit and participating in 'I pass';
  3. Experience independence from alcohol;
  4. Giving example;
  5. Experience deeper sleep;
  6. Getting used to saying no to alcohol;
  7. improve skin quality;
  8. My wife does not drink alcohol
  9. Health
  10. Proving to myself that I can stop more and more easily.


I was a sportsman, and now 62. I accept that I can no longer muster what I used to. Drinking has crept in, due to stress with work and targets to be achieved. I love good food and that includes wine, and often champagne. My blood values had indicated for a few years that I was drinking too much. And now that's over. I am healthy, and can be much healthier. So I'm going to break a pattern. The first 40 days of this year I don't drink a drop. However, non-alcoholic wine and that will also be less. I break through my ingrained pattern. I train those kilos off as soon as we have longer days and my blood values get better. My goal is that afterwards I can deal with alcohol in a very controlled way. And that will happen. My entire environment knows that I do this, so that's a stick behind the door.

Dirk & Patrick

De reden dat ik samen met mijn zoon meedoe aan IkPas is simpel: traditie en met stok achter de deur onze te hoge alcoholconsumptie verminderen. De maand december is er bij ons een van gezelligheid, samen met familie en vrienden lekker eten en drinken. Een winterse culinaire buurt BBQ houden op tweede kerstdag met bij iedere gang een andere wijn. Champagnekurken knallen in Koog aan de Zaan harder dan vuurwerk… Allemaal erg leuk en smaakvol, alleen werd het flesje wijn bij het normale diner twee stuks. (er drinken dan drie volwassenen). Met een biertje bij het koken en een biertje na afloop. Dat krijg je als je zoon chef-kok is (geweest) maar thuis nog volop achter de kachel staat. Werken in de horeca en drank zijn een prima combinatie. Maar ook een gevaarlijke. Want je lichaam went aan ’s nachts nog wat samen napraten met een drankje erbij.

This is our third year participating together. Father of 63 son of 26 years. And it works fine so far. The first week is difficult. Headache, real appetite for beer and wine. In this second week you will really notice a strong improvement in your physical condition. Dirty talk, so watch out: your urine is now crystal clear instead of dark brown from the waste that needs to be removed from your body. I get up fitter. Have a clear head. Sleep better. Less trouble with 'wobbly legs' (also caused by too much sedentary work in combination with little exercise).


All my life, from about the age of 26, I have consumed an alcoholic beverage before meals. Before that I was so anti that I even thought about joining the Blue Knot. I don't know when or how that changed. Now at the age of 68, while I am aware of it, I drink 5 glasses of wine a night and I lie in bed at night with a pounding heart, but just as cheerfully I pour myself another drink at 5 pm the next day. I link it to fun, while I love to change it. So that's why I'm participating, last year and the time before that I didn't succeed, now it's going well.
I was more than fed up with my routine of 3 glasses of wine and accompanying cheese or so. I drink and snack too much. That's why I'm way overweight. All thanks to a habit. The button is over and with IkPas I'm turning the whole thing around. The question is: 'How long can I last?'
At the moment I'm fine, I'm sleeping fine and I feel 'awake'. It's amazing that not drinking alcohol has such an effect.


Waarom ik een maandje pauzeer:

– I like it too much and drink more and more without noticing it. I don't want that for health reasons.
– I don't want to participate in the social habit, I actually think it's very strange that we think alcohol is so normal.
– I want to control my brain when it comes to unhealthy temptations.
– I want to break through that a nice glass of wine or beer is a reward for myself and that it is part of socializing.
I pass together with my wife, because drinking alcohol became too much of a habit and to get through the week fitter. My wife also has the reason that she wants to lose some weight.
For the third year I wear my wristband from IkPas. Bright blue, everyone sees it and says something about it. It doesn't color everything but it stands out :)
I will continue to participate faithfully, simply because I want to. We are retired, enjoy a terrace in the summer and spend a lot of time at home because we enjoy being together. Every afternoon we drink almost an entire bottle of wine. It's a rarity that we skip that. But we don't drink in January. It is not difficult at all and I sometimes wonder if the daily habit of drinking a bottle of wine can be changed. Yes, that's possible. After January we drink significantly less, do two days with one bottle. But when spring comes, summer, nice weather, the temptation for a glass of cold rosé or Chardonnay is very great!
Maar we doen ons best! ’s Middags straks weer een glaasje, ’s avonds thee. Onze generatie groeide op met drank en sigaretten (we roken al 25 jaar niet meer). En dat het gezelliger is met alcohol is geen argument. We hebben het nu ook gezellig! Dus minderen na januari en volgend jaar gewoon weer Dry January!
I started IkPas because I drink way too much and because I feel it's not good for me. Since my husband passed away, now 6 years ago, it has increased. I don't start drinking until the evening usually by 9pm unless I have to go somewhere. I then drink a bottle of white wine and feel good about it. I never drink during the day, I don't even like it. My brother died of alcohol, my grandfather was an alcoholic and so were two of my uncles. I have told everyone that I participate in IkPas. It has failed 4 times since January 2. The tips like going for a walk outside or calling someone don't apply when it's that late. But hey, I'll try again tonight!

The reason I'm participating is the following: I was aware that I drank several beers every day with my friends, and of course a few at home in the evening. In November I was hospitalized for the treatment of pneumonia. At a certain point the ward doctor comes by and makes a wrist movement towards the mouth, remarking that 'this could be a little less' according to the laboratory results. Call it a wake-up call. Now I've been dry since the dismissal, with this challenge as a stick behind the door.


Only this month, because I actually drink too much. I don't drink every day, I can't because of work in healthcare. But when I drink, I often can't stick to 1 or 2 glasses. I also notice that I can't handle it very well anymore. I also want to show my 18-year-old daughter that I can live without alcohol.


I am 76 years old and still feel fine. I would like to keep that up as long as possible. I have a lot of interests and still do a lot. Play the piano, paint, make objects, etc. We moved to Spain after my retirement. In short, being able to live a longer healthy life with an occasional glass of wine.



Alcohol and ibuprofen

You've been drinking. Your headache likes to remind you of this. Before you pop that ibuprofen, read this article. Did you know that an innocent ibuprofen combined with alcohol…
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